Nelson Mandela International Day


Nelson Mandela International Day, also known as Mandela Day, is held on July 18 each year. The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.

Nelson Mandela Day not only celebrates Nelson Mandela’s life, but it is also a global call to action for people to recognize their ability to have a positive effect on others around them. The day hopes to inspire people to embrace the values that Mandela shared. These values include democracy, freedom, equality, diversity, reconciliation, and respect.

Let’s reflect on his inspiring and important legacy, and the ongoing fight for justice, equality and freedom. Your Life Led inspires us to Strive for Greatness and Humanity for all around the world.

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference”