US Patent Granted to Research Work of Dr. Shahid Munir Shah and Dr. Rizwan Ahmed Khan


Join us in giving our heartiest congratulations to SHU Computer Science Faculty Members Dr. Shahid Munir Shah, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, and Dr. Rizwan Ahmed Khan, Dean, Faculty of Information Technology, whose collaborative research work has resulted in a US patent.

This is a huge honor, as USA patents, applicable when research matures and can be commercialized, fall under some of the most prestigious and most secure intellectual property protection laws across the globe, and the US patent granting process is one of the most rigorous patenting processes.

Details of the granted US patent are given below:

Title: Dialect Based Speaker Identification

Patent Number: 11348591

Application Number: 17/482639

Patent Publication Date: 05/31/2022

Patent Webpage:

The process of patent filing is painstaking, and this achievement is extremely remarkable. We commend Dr. Shahid and Dr. Rizwan for both their research work (that has been granted the patent) that took almost three years, and for undergoing the painstaking procedure of patent application filing and the process till the grant of it which took another two years.

SHU is immensely proud of them!